Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: Transform - (random) Translation - shifts even after Area-Boundary Checking  (Read 359 times)


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The title already tells you everything about the probem.

Forest preset with Transform - Translation DISABLED  = edge mode works fine

extreme settings to show the error

Forest preset with Transform - Translation ENABLED = edge mode makes no sense
(values are extreme to better show the effect)

It is the same for the other modes (size and point) as well, not exclusivly for edge mode only.

Is it possible to change this in further releases of FP?
So that the translation is calculated first an afterwards the edge mode is applied?

Thank you  in advance!

Michal Karmazín

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As mentioned in this tightly related post: “A possible way to avoid this kind of problem, where enabled Transform - Translation can push some items outside of the Area, would be to "limit" these values in proximate areas to the boundary line. Please feel free to try the attached "transalteFalloff.eff" Effect, which is interpolating these values in problematic zones ...”

I hope that helps.

Best regards,


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  • Posts: 26
I apologize for the repost.
You can delete this post.

Thank you for your help!