Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Two diferent material in scene


Hi, thanks to FP 9 and its ability to render vrayproxy I decided to stop using xrefs for some purposes. Unfortunately if I do a merge from Library, vraymesh has the material on it that is listed in the source max file and FP itself has the material from the library. However, the materials are different. In the source file, for example, the materials are not always good to our workflow and are raw after purchase library and often without paths assigned. Couldn't FP replace this actually unused material from the library also for vrmesh or could the vrmesh itself simply remove the material (not needed)?
The whole scene takes a long time to load because there is a lot of material that is not used.

Michal KarmazĂ­n:

You can, for example, use the Materials option in the Utilities > UVW Remove tool.

A recommended approach for handling libraries is to store models in .max files without any materials (as we do in our libraries) and then assign the correct material during the import process. This method helps prevent any potential material mismatches.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Okay, so I'll make a script that removes materials from the scene and run it through the entire library. I just wanted to avoid that, it'll take a while and it means overwriting all the max files.


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