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Author Topic: User libraries and 3d-models containing groups  (Read 3309 times)


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User libraries and 3d-models containing groups
« on: November 11, 2015, 08:56:20 AM »
I have a problem with 3d-models wich contain groups. When I insert the models with Forest Pack the models will be merged into the scene, not only a Xref link to the library. In the help for user libraries I read the following:
"Adding grouped content
If an item is grouped instead of a single object its elements can automatically attached into one mesh upon import. To do this, when selecting your the item from the objects list, simply select select the group name containing the object's elements. "
When I do so, the model will be merged into the scene. If I explode the groups in the model of the library I can only choose one item in the creation process of the user library. Would it be better to change all parts of the modell into a editable poly? But it would be a lot of work...
Other thing is: when the model is merged into the scene the file is 10MB after merging. But the library file is only 3,5MB. Can somebody explain this?
I work with MAX2015 (Mental Ray) and FP 4.3.4 after bad experiences with MAX2016 and FP 4.4.1 (no stable network rendering possible with my configuration). 
Workstation: i7-3930K @ 3,92GHz 16 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P4000, Win7/64 Prof.
Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2950x@ 4,10 GHz 32 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 550 Ti, Win 10 Prof.
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Michal Karmazín

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Re: User libraries and 3d-models containing groups
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2015, 12:57:01 PM »

As mentioned also in our recently published and tightly related "Parking Cars" tutorial:

"... These types of models are usually divided into several parts and grouped, and while Forest Pack can import grouped geometry, it isn't intended to be used for this purpose. The first step therefore is to ensure that each car model is combined into a single object.

You have two choices, either attach the parts together into a single editable mesh, or export the model to a proxy object. Either option is fine, but there are a few pros and cons that will help to inform your decision."

If you consider the "Edit Poly & Attach List" work-flow too laborious, using proxies (in your case the mr Proxy type) would be an option.

"... when the model is merged into the scene the file is 10MB after merging. But the library file is only 3,5MB ..."

Might be, that "source" scene is saved having the 3ds Max's Preference Settings - Compress on Save option marked and yours not?

Hope that helps,

Best regards,


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Re: User libraries and 3d-models containing groups
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 08:35:35 AM »
Thank you for your answer. As I have bought some Car models for a parking lot (from AXYZ Design as suggested) I went through the tutorial and after some try and error all is working fine. In my question last week I tried to place chairs in an office, now I know that it is relative simple to change my grouped geometry into one editable poly. One more Question : When I change the colors in a color swatch image or by editing the gradient ramp the changes will not have impact on a scene with this model inside, distributed by Forest pack. Also updating the XRef doesnt help. Only when I make  a new distribution of items the color changes of the color swatch are visible. Is there a way for updating this for existing distributions of items?
BTW the models of AXYZ Design have a good quality - thank you for that suggestion.  And the car park tutorial also is very good!
Workstation: i7-3930K @ 3,92GHz 16 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P4000, Win7/64 Prof.
Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2950x@ 4,10 GHz 32 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 550 Ti, Win 10 Prof.
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Paul Roberts

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Re: User libraries and 3d-models containing groups
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2015, 10:20:04 AM »

Thanks for the kind words, glad to hear the tutorial was useful. That sounds like unusual behaviour, you shouldn't have to rebuild the distribution in order to see the colour changes. Which material are you editing? I've run some tests here and it all appears to work as expected.

To edit the colours you should use the material found in the Geometry rollout.

Instance this material to your editor and edit the Forest Colour map. When you re-render the changes should be visible, if not please let me know. 

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have further questions.

Many thanks!

Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: User libraries and 3d-models containing groups
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2015, 11:46:44 AM »
Dear Paul,
thank you for your answer. It seems, that I have not enough understanding how Forest Pack works. When I insert XRefs with the "Xref Objects" dialog of MAX (for example a car) into a scene, all the things I have loaded (geometry and material) will be updated when I open the scene next time if there are changes of the car. But if I load the car with Forest Pack, geometry is updated, but materials are not then there are changes of the car. I can instance the material and work on it inside the Forest Pack scene, but my wish was, that also changes of the material will be updated from the car.max. When I use the update button of the XRef Objects window nothing happens.
Only when I temporarily replace the Forest Pack item with another car and switch back to the first car the changes in the material are visible.   For me it seems that Forest Pack doesnt handle inserted max-models in the same way as inserting as Xref Object does it. Is that right and where can I read more about it?
Workstation: i7-3930K @ 3,92GHz 16 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro P4000, Win7/64 Prof.
Rendernode: AMD Threadripper 2950x@ 4,10 GHz 32 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 550 Ti, Win 10 Prof.
Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium 2019, VRay Next, Cup of coffee...