i tried to use another forest object ( scattered houses with forest object which is in custom edit mode ) for excluding areas in another forest object ( trees ).
This doesn?t seem to work for me, only when the house forest object is in generate mode. Is this a known issue ?
As a workaround I then converted the housing forest object to edit poly, while having render > proxy > Box enabled....so i got an editable poly object with simple boxes as a proxy for the houses.
This editable object i used in Areas > Object as an exclude obect....but still the trees aren`t excluded at these areas.
I then just used a simple box for exclude which worked fine, but as soon as i tried to attach other objects to it, everything seems to mess up and there was a strange offset in the position of the excluding areas.....very strange.
Is this a known bug or am i doing something wrong ?
There is another question i have about using Forest objects for the usage in VrayDistance texture.
As forest objects can`t be choosen, is there any workaround for it.
I have a VrayBlendMaterial and the base is grass....in areas where i have trees / the stump touches the ground i`d like to have a coat material around( i.e. brown grass or soil ) ...for the mask i`d like to use the DistanceTex if possible.
Any idea how to achieve this without having to convert the scattered trees to polys ?
Thanks for help