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Author Topic: Using VrayProxy object as a FP Surface to scatter on  (Read 4423 times)


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Using VrayProxy object as a FP Surface to scatter on
« on: July 18, 2024, 10:31:52 PM »
I have a high resolution terrain geometry that I would like to scatter Forest on. The Surface object is a Vray proxy that I had set to Bounding Box display mode so that the mesh isn't loaded in the scene. It appears that forest elevations are on the bounding box come rendertime, instead of at the mesh surface that is loaded at rendertime. Is there any method to get the forest correct at rendertime with the proxy set to bounding box? I'm guessing that the functionality is the same even when the vray proxy is set to 'preview from file' (i.e. the forest is actually being set at what is shown in viewport, not rendertime mesh) but the preview mesh is just 'close enough' to the actual that the difference isn't very noticeable. I learned recently that using a RC object as a surface is possible if the RC object's 'use instancing engine' setting is disabled, so wondering if there is something else I can do to force it with a vray proxy as a surface instead.

FP 8.2.6, Max 2023.3, Vray 6.20.06
« Last Edit: July 18, 2024, 10:34:23 PM by SnipeyX »

Paul Roberts

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Re: Using VrayProxy object as a FP Surface to scatter on
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2024, 01:26:36 PM »

Thanks for contacting us. As you've correctly identified, the distribution phase of Forest Pack is calculated based on the viewport geometry so I am afraid the only way for this to work is to change the display mode of the V-ray Proxy so that it matches, or closely matches, the render time geometry.


Paul Roberts
iToo Software