Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

VRay Proxy as Geometry - large file size


just found out that when i save a file where i use a vray proxy as geometry the file size is the same as the original 3d object and not the same as the vray proxy. so if i use 10 high res trees with 150 MB (original) my file size explodes when i create a forest with these trees. Seems like forest loads the original objects in the scene before it scatters them?

am i missing something?

Paul Roberts:

Forest doesn't load the proxy geometry except at render time, only the viewport mesh. In addition, it's only loaded into memory, nothing is stored in the scene file. Could it be you have some models lurking in a layer somewhere - perhaps in the hidden forest_templates layer?


Thanks Paul,

i guess i did not have enough coffee this morning  :)

best regards



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