Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Wish list


Just an idea.  How about a wish list for things we'd like to see in future versions?  One idea I had was to be able to place forest objects on vertical surfaces, not just in plan.  Could open up some other markets for using the plugin.

That's ok. We wanted to implement this feature in Forest 2.2, but much code needs to be rewritten. Almost sure we will include it for the next release.

Doug Gann:
One tool that I really wish we could see developed for use with Forest Pro is a fractile egde generator.

Instead of a polyline creating a strict binary (inside/outside) boundary if some type of fractle noise oculd be used to randomise the placement of "trees" both inside and ouside the boundary line, the resulting image would look a great deal more realistic.    Currently I have to make very complex polylines to achive this effect.   A fractile noise generator olong these egdes would save users a great deal of time.

Just my 2 cents worth....
Doug Gann

other idea:

adapt the scale of the area next the bordery line: like this, we could draw border of forest with lower density than te inside of the forest


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