Forest Pack > Forest Pro (*)

Wishlist: 3 Plane Trees


Mike Truly:
I think I've asked for this before too... can't remember.

I would like to have 3 plane trees.  We have 1 plane, 2 plane... I would like to have 3 plane trees.  The extra plane gives more 3Dimensionality to the look of the trees.  Currently, I am making a custom mesh to do this but it would be handy to have 3 plane trees in the interface.


Actually, I don't like 2-planes trees very much, I prefer my single plane trees when they look at the camera... Maybe the 3-plane trees will be better...

Mike Truly:

2 plane trees work pretty well for me in certain circumstances (like when I need so many trees and I can't computationally afford 3 plane trees) but 3 plane trees add that little bit of added realism in circumstances where 2 plane trees show as 2 planes.  3 is just a bit more convincing.



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