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Author Topic: Workflow with GrowFX objects  (Read 2061 times)


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Workflow with GrowFX objects
« on: September 26, 2014, 03:56:49 PM »

I'm quite new to Forest Pack, and I couldn't find any answer (here or on exlevel's forums), so I create this topic, hoping on your knowledges and good will.  :)

I'm using Forest Pack Pro 4.2.5, GrowFX 1.9.6, max 2014 and Vray 3.0.

When using a GrowFX object (not poly) as a custom object, I can't find a way to randomize the seed of each object. So all my trees look the same... actually ARE the same.
I need to populate some terrain with, e.g., doum palm trees and identic objects look very bad in this case, even with random scaling or rotating. 
(please see attached WIP example, small differences of shapes are due to the camera's FOV).

As a solution, I could create a dozen of these GrowFX trees with a different seed for each, but it's quite tiedous and a procedural solution would be very welcome.

I tried to look into wirable parameters but couldn't find anything helpful. I don't know if objects scattered with FPP are instances of the original one(s), so even wirable parameters might not be helpful if GrowFX objects with unique seed are considered as unique objects.

Any thoughts ?

Thanks for reading,  ;)


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Re: Workflow with GrowFX objects
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 08:58:21 AM »
Your thoughts are correct, unfortunately there is not a way to change seed of procedural objects. In the past we evaluated this possibility, but it required deep changes in the Forest core and we discarded the idea.

As you pointed out, Forest uses instances of the original objects, so the procedure should be to create several GrowFXs and assign them in the Geometry list.
Carlos Quintero
iToo Software