Forest Pack > ForestIvy

Lag in PointCloud


Hi, it seems that FIvy has some lag when pannig the viewport in PointCloud, that is, only for larger FIvy. On the other hand, nothing happens when viewing as QuickMesh or Mesh. On the other hand, with FP, even with visually the same number of PointClouds, nothing like that happens.
Doesn't FIvy perform some update when the viewport is panned?

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Please try reducing the Global, Local, or Leaves Density values to see if that helps.

Best regards,

Yes, of course it will help. I just found it strange that ForestPack doesn't have this lag. It may be due to the fact that in FIvy the pointcloud for leaves/flowers is just more condensed and it's not as visible to the eye.


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