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ForestPro render problem



I had purchased a Max model, and which had involved ForestPro plugin. So I can open the Max file but can't make render in the farm. Can I use Maxscript to ignore the plugin?... If it do, can you make me advises how to fix it ~ the maxscript? Thanks a lot.

Hong Kong

Dear user,

If the original model was created with Forest Pack Pro, you will need almost a valid full license to show the objects and render. Render nodes don't need licenses, but you need almost a valid license in a workstation to summit a render job.

You can contact with your model's provider to ask for a scene with the forest converted to meshes, but due the dynamic nature of the plugin this process have limits. Is possible that the resulting scene will be too heavy to use, or animation or effects can't be preserved.


Is there a maxscript can control the farm ignore the forestpro.dlu?... I mean that when submitting max file to the farm, the farm will ignore the plugin and start render.

I have find the the same method to solve the missing Dlls problems, the maxscript can help for that. So, will it be ok for ForestPro too?


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