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Network rendering error with mental ray in 3dsmax 2010 64-Bit
Hi all,
we're having troubles with network rendering. We use Forest Pack pro 3.2 with 3ds max 2010 and during network rendering, an error message appears: Unexpected error with mental ray... and then rendering stops.
We first thought a problem with 3dsmax 2010 but we try several rendering with other projects without using the plug-in forest pack pro and it works nice. Then back to a scene using Forest Pack Pro we receive the same error message that mental ray cannot render the scene...
Does someone know something about that? thanks
How have you installed Forest in the slave nodes ? Have you upgraded the plugin recently ?
Please, be sure that render nodes have these files updated. You can copy them from your workstation:
This is a typical error when the plugin (ForestPackPro.dlo) and Mental Ray shader (FShader3) versions doesn't match. Each version of the plugin only works with its own shader.
I try to use the UNC path but i don't get it. How does it work? Can i simply create a shared folder in "My Documents" called "itoo3" and then in the 3dsmax.ini file write : Dir27=\\itoo3\maps\
The itoo3 folder has the same name for sharing (itoo3)
Isn't it strange that network rendering problems come from missing textures? Because in the viewport of 3dsmax2010, i can see all my trees with textures...
--- Quote ---Hi,
I try to use the UNC path but i don't get it. How does it work? Can i simply create a shared folder in "My Documents" called "itoo3" and then in the 3dsmax.ini file write : Dir27=\\itoo3\maps\
The itoo3 folder has the same name for sharing (itoo3)
--- End quote ---
No, "itoo3" is the remote computer name (here it's only an example), and "maps" is the shared resource. As instance, if you share the folder "maps" in the computer "server1" the UNC must be \\server1\maps. If the textures are located in a folder below the "maps" sharing, it must be appended to the path: \\server1\maps\stones
--- Quote ---Isn't it strange that network rendering problems come from missing textures? Because in the viewport of 3dsmax2010, i can see all my trees with textures...
--- End quote ---
We have succesfully rendered your max file in our network, so there do not seem to be any problem with the scene.
Since the workstation renders the scene locally, but fails with Backburner, all point to some problem with the configuration used when Max is launched from Backburner. Most of these problems are related with missing plugins or textures.
Are you running Backburner Server as service or as application ? Running as service, it would be using a different user account... and therefore not using the same 3dsmax.ini file that when Max is used interactively.
We really need the Backburner logs to know what is the problem. Could be possible to get a screenshot of Backburner Server showing the error ?
Solved by e-mail. Closing thread.
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