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Object always facing the camera or viewport
Hey guys, I know you've solved this a long time ago on ForestPack and I was wondering if I could get some help making it work.
Currently I have four objects that move around a scene and I need them facing the current camera or viewport at all times on the z axis. I have tried several scripts on scriptspot but none of them actually do what I need.
I know I could create a rotation script and put it as a controller but none of the stuff I've tried has worked properly. Even a float script on each object's z rotation would probably work but again nothing has worked so far.
I though about just creating a ForestPack object for each of the four objects, then set it to face the camera with that option on but then I lose a lot of the control I need to have on the object.
I'd really appreciate any help solving this issue.
Michal Karmazín:
If you don't want to handle these objects within the ForestPack plug-in, I suggest using the Motion > LookAt Constraint for this purpose.
Best regards,
unfortunately (as far as I know) there is no option on the LookAt constarint to always face the current camera or viewport, so if I put it to look at say camera001 and then I select or render camera002, then its pointing at the wrong spot.
Michal Karmazín:
That would require a scripting approach, and unfortunately, that's beyond our time constraints to address properly. Thanks for your understanding. BTW, could you please specify why you think involving the ForestPack plug-in wouldn't be a flexible enough solution? Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
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