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Author Topic: Option for a monthly or 3 month Subscription  (Read 2209 times)


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Option for a monthly or 3 month Subscription
« on: September 12, 2022, 06:08:27 AM »
Hi! I am loving Railclone and can say the same for Forest pack. But unfortunately I can not afford either of them. I am a one man Studio which besides 3D has to do several other tasks. Also I pay far less for my 3dsMax license as I am an Indie user. $ 275 is a lot of money for me, and the lite version (Lets be honest) is not even worth my time. As during the year I will barely get a few months to test out railclone and see if it fits into my office work process I would request you to give me a monthly option. Hope I made my point without offending anyone.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Option for a monthly or 3 month Subscription
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2022, 12:48:23 PM »

Thanks for getting in touch, and no offense taken at all.

Unfortunately, offering monthly or 3 monthly licensing would involve significant changes to our licensing servers and other infrastructure so we can't offer this in the short term. All our licenses are perpetual, meaning once activated we have no way to revoke them, they will never expire and you can continue using our products forever. In addition to the purchase of our plug-ins, we provide automatically a one-year / three-year maintenance plan. Once the maintenance plan expires, you'll be not able to upgrade to the latest releases (published after the maintenance plan end date), but you still can use versions released before that date.

There's no obligation to maintenance plans once expired immediately, nor any penalty for renewing them later down the line. if you'll not be using any new features and improvements there is no need to renew the plan, as your most recent valid version will remain working.

I hope that helps and in case of any further questions
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 01:43:18 PM by Paul Roberts »
Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Option for a monthly or 3 month Subscription
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2022, 01:40:12 PM »
Thank you Paul. I was unaware of the license never expiring. This would make sense as I do not have to worry about not being able to use my plugin after a year. Still this is a major investment for me as I am not going to use railclone for creating Parametric libraries. At least not until I see any time benefit with my clients who perpetually keep changing their design ideas but do not want to pay for the extra time. I see that your plugin has evolved a lot since version 3. The problem that I have is if you decide to change the structure of your A2s and L1s generators in the future versions all my existing files will become useless. Also the Syntax used earlier in your tutorial files have changed.