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3ds Max Design 2012 missing dlls
I've recently updated to 3DS Max design 2012 and have installed forest pack into this installation (previously using Max Design 2009) when I select a 3D plant from the HQ Catalog I get the message Missing Dlls
Filename: vrender90.dlr
Filename: vray2sidemtl90.dlt
with the option to open or cancel. I don't have Vray (which i assume this is referring to) but didn't have Vray on my 2009 version and I never received this message, should I be worried about it, is there a way to stop the message?
This is an problem caused by the HQ Plant libraries, because the max files include the VRay materials embedded in the scene.
You can ignore the message safely, but unfortunately there is not way to avoid it. The newest versions of HQ Plants (as HQ Grass) already come with separated files for VRay and Mental Ray.
As workaround i would suggest to install the demo of VRay, that should fix the error.
Thank you for your reply, i've just check and I did have the Vray demo installed on my 2009 version which is why I didn't get the error message before.
There doesn't seem to be a demo for 2012 yet but will keep my eye out for one
Thank you
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