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Library Setup for HDTrees8
From what i can see HDTrees8 is still not included in the HD Catalog >:( I'd been through this in the past but cannot seem to do it this time around. I have my licensed copies of HQ Grass1 and Palms 1 working no problem - but i cannot get HDTrees8 to show up in the ForestPack pro library. I have added the folder location under preferences but all i cant see any of the trees anywhere through the library browser. The folder structure is exactly as it should be from the purchased Rar file.
Michal Karmazín:
I can confirm, we have plans to add support for HD Trees 7 & 8 to our HQ Catalog add-on. There is no estimated date and it's hard to say, when the next update of this add-on will be published (we'll try to prioritize it & release it soon).
Meanwhile, let me mention, that any model inside of the 3ds Max scene can be used as a Custom Object under the Geometry tab. If you Merge (or link as XRef) any model from this package into your scene and then create Forest object, you can pick it as a Custom Object.
Also, please feel free to create your own library(ies). I would suggest to check our "Creating Libraries" tutorial covering this topic in detail.
Best regards,
OK thanks - that was the tutourial i was looking for - the tricky thing for my simple need here was that you have to remember (after you set the new path in the preferences) to add a "library" to your new folder location or it wont work. Anyhow - ive made some progress but the thumbnail icons are not loading - they are all stuck & i can see very faintly "loading" - so i can load the geometry into Forest Pack but cant see what im loading :P
& if I right click on any of those blank thumbnails in the Library browser, it actually does show the correct thumbnail - so it knows where the thumbnail is, but cannot seem to render it in the library browser ? I used to have this working properly before so i know it "will" work but ive messed something up here......
Michal Karmazín:
Where are these images stored? I would suggest you to double check they're located in the thumbnails folder as the Library Browser needs to have a folder structure containing the index.xml file (storing all library information needed) and thumbnails folder (with thumbnail images). This is created by right click on User's Libraries folder and selecting Create Library. As described in our on-line reference guide:
"When you create a library Forest Pack creates a new folder that includes an XML file and sub folders for thumbnails. This and any other sub folders found in the library location will not be displayed. This allows you to add additional directories for models, maps and materials used by the library without them cluttering up the tree navigator."
Best regards,
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