I have the following problem in the "Library Browser"
When I create a 3d object dir looking for the window object nalla Max file after open
Message I get the following error:
" Is is not possible to do this operation if a Max obiect is being created.
Please, open the Library Browser from the Max Modify panel and try again."
I get the same error even when I run the procedure to import the object ..
I try to create the objects that are in a folder in the browser specified in the Preferences:
Varie C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Forest Pack\Varie\libs
the folder name is "Am_58".
The version of the forest is "4.14"
"HQ Catalog is the" Version 130 "in
C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator \ My Documents \ Forest Pack "
here are three libraries:
"User's Library"
"HQ Plants Catalog"
queste dir
Forest Library C:\Program Files (x86)\Itoo Software\Forest Pack Pro\lib
HQ catalog C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Forest Pack\HQ Plants Catalog\lib
Use Max 2009 a 64 Bit
in "hq catalog" is installed "hp_plant_1"
and "hq_grass_1" I always find it hard to install.