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My Demo Reel 2011


Hello, I've bought Forest Pro few month ago (2 licences "Network")
Awesome !!!

Here, My Demo Reel : www.dao-co.com

Where there are vegetation, it's with Forest + MrProxy

Thank You Itoo...


Hi, thanks for sharing your work. It is amazing. ;)

We receive many images created with Forest, but fewer videos. It's nice to see the plugin in motion. ;D

I'm very much in awe of your demo reel, simply excellent. Can I ask you achieve some of your results? One thing I really struggle with when rendering outdoor scenes is getting the lighting to look realistic. How do you achieve such realism in your outdoor lighting?

I also find it difficult to get rid of the grainy noise type flickering artifacts when rendering 3d trees, especially when they are some distance from the camera. I didn't notice any of that in your reel, what is your solution?

Very nice motion blur. Is that done with a velocity pass and blurred in post?

What do you use for camera matching? I've used Synth Eyes with good results.

Anyways, congratulations on a fantastic reel!


thanks Kai.

For lighting outdoor scenes : Mental Ray + Exposure Logarithmic, and just sky and spot...
For artefact, just different pass with FG cache etc... And the AA config

Sorry for my English, i'm french and i don't speak very well


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