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Access Glue via Maxscript



Is there any way to access Glue and its settings via MaxScript? We use this plugin in many of our projects, but would like to automate it if we can.


Michal KarmazĂ­n:

I'm afraid, the Glue utility doesn't support Maxscript access.

Best regards,

Okay...Thanks for letting me know.

Actually, I'm starting to get somewhere accessing the Windows Structure via Maxscript...

UtilityPanel.OpenUtility glue
children = windows.getChildrenHWND (windows.getDesktopHWND())
pickBaseButton = (for c in children where ( c[5] == "Pick" ) collect ( c ))[1]
pickBase = (for c in children where ( c[4] == "Edit" and c[5] == "" ) collect ( c ))[1]
UIAccessor.pressButton pickBaseButton[1]

With the above code, I can open the glue utility and create a couple of variables based on the children structure of the utility. I am trying to find a way to populate the resulting pickBase string with a variable created earlier in my script and use it to place a specific object as the base object, but so far, I have to manually pick it in the viewport.

Any ideas are welcome! ;-)


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