RailClone > RailClone Lite

"Nest" parameter


What is this? Where can I find any info about that?

sorry for my ENglish


It is applicable only when a RC object is used as a segment for other RC (nested), for example to create arrays, as shown here:

or here: http://www.youtube.com/embed/eVec3zyw6VM

If nested is off, all rows of the array (generated by the inner RC object) are identical, because they use the same random seed. Instead, nest on forces to use a different seed for each row. The parameter must be enabled in the segment that has assigned the inner RC object.

I know this parameter is not described in the documentation, i apologize by that. We are rewriting the help reference for the upcoming RailClone 2.

Thanks for quick answer.
By the way - I am using this feature (nested RC) right now.
And I have a problem - when RC object is used as segment in another RC object this first RC is just mesh - not instances of original object.
When I use this second RC as segment in another third RC ad so on - I get one BIG mesh - not set of instances of very original object.
Is there any way to avoid this?
Sorry but my English is poor - I hope you can understand whan I mean :)


No, unfortunately this is the main problem of using nested RC objects. Anyway, we have included a way to solve this for RC 2.x.


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