Hello Rokas,
thank you so much for answer.
Ok please, just for clarification that you understand my target.
) If I would like assign material to railclone then i must use multimaterial and put there all materials and assign to railclone. This techniques works. And i dont know about another solution.....
Now I facing problem that I have here so many assets and I would like to assign it to railclone and now is the problem,
I am forced to manually edit every single object and rename ID and then MAT_ID because every object starting from 1,2,3 and etc... into different numbers for example 101,102,103 another object 111, 112,113,115, another object 200,201,202,203 because i am forced put these textures into single multimaterial.
Is there any simple solution how to go around without need to re-edit each object and re-assignd mat_ID into different mat_ID?
About Rappa Tools.....
Please I dont know how with Rappa tools...
I have found there are 2x last bottom buttons
"one button" takes all Mat. and put into multi mat. (Great but issue is, if i already filled that multimaterial manually with unique IDS for example 101,102 and etc... then Rappa will wipe all of them and put there just his 3x material id starting with 1,2,3 : ) .)
I didnt find another button regard randomly regenerate object IDs into unique IDs...
Thank so much, i believe that everyone faced this problem. But i dont know how to simple go over without need manualy find all id objects and rename it with also mat_ID in every object into something unique then just mat_id 1,2,3,.... because multimaterial issue...
best regards thank you for any idea or help. Pablo