RailClone > RailClone Lite

Local transform for railclone segments


Hi there,

i was wondering if there's possibility to apply segments transform in local space rather than in parent space like it is by default?

Hi, really segments are transformed in their local space, taking as origin the point defined by the Alignment parameters. Once transformed, they are aligned and fitted in the base spline.

What do you want to get exactly ?

Thanks for reply. I'm making chainmail. And i want that each chain link would be randomly rotated in local Z axis, but instead they are rotated in railclone object's space. I hope the problem i'm facing can be seen clear enough in attached images.

Ok, i see the problem. I assume you are applying a fixed Y rotation, and then random rotation on Z. Please, try this:

1) Set to 0 all Fixed rotations.
2) Set Y rotation using random parameters with a fixed range. I.e. from 45º to 45º.
3) Set random Z rotation as usual.
4) Be sure Segment->Transform->Random->Transfom affects size is off.
5) Set Segment->Alignment to Pivot.

Such a simple solution and it worked! Thank you very much!


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