RailClone > RailClone Lite

Raise posts to be aligned with fence panels on slope


Hi there, attached is an image showing my problem.

How do I make the posts always meet with the top of the fence panel when going over slopes of various sizes? On an incline, the post is correct. On a decline, the post is too low to cover the side of the fence panel.

I'm a bit of a novice to Railclone - please let me know is there's a way to fix this for any slope.


I've also attached an image of the current style layout

Paul Roberts:
Hi, this isn't actually very easy to solve at present because we'd need to know the difference in height between the two posts, an attribute that's not currently available in RailClone. To solve it, we're going to add an option when using stepped mode that allows you to choose whether to align to the highest or lowest point on the spline section. Hopefully that will be helful for situations like this one.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention.



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