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Author Topic: Walkthrough your "Parquet Floors for Unreal and 3ds Max" tutorial problems  (Read 2115 times)


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I got your newsletter mentioning your new "Parquet Floors for Unreal and 3ds Max" tutorial. I tried this with railclone light and got two problems. I just wanna know, if this is due to the light versions limitations, or if there are other issues:

- I can't place a UVW map modifier on top of the railclone object to assign map channel 3 as mentioned in part #2 nearly at the end
- Unreal Engine tells me no meshes are found within the exported .fbx file (just to be sure I exported the single plank itself with the same options and it works)

So is this due to limitations of the light version? I'm using Max 2020. Thanks in advance.

Paul Roberts

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Thanks for your questions Both these issues are due to restriction with the lite version of RailClone. At present, it is not possible to collapse a RailClone Lite object to a mesh which is why you cannot add a UVW modifier or export it via FBX.

There are a couple of workarounds though. Instead of exporting via FBX, export using the Datasmith plugin. This uses a different technique and RailClone Lite exports absolutely fine. Of course, you still can't use the UVW modifier, but Unreal will generate some UVs for lightmapping for you automatically.

We are currently looking at removing this restriction in the Lite version, so hopefully this won't be an issue for very much longer.

All the best,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software