Itoo Software Forum

Author Topic: What happened if I have railclone PRO, but my friend has the LITE  (Read 8346 times)


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Hello, I'd like to know if I have the PRO version, but my friend downloaded the LITE version and try to open my file.
Can they fully see the railclone objects?
What if they save the file, will all the PRO objects be gone forever?
What if they don't touch anything about railclone, just make some changes with some geometries in the scene, does it affect the railclone PRO objects?


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Re: What happened if I have railclone PRO, but my friend has the LITE
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2019, 10:32:27 AM »
If style created with Pro Version satisfies Lite version Limitations (Three segments per object; One generator per object) it will open fine. If not- You will be prompted such message and style wont be editable or renderable.

Hope this helps.