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Author Topic: 2 S Array, outomated hight of window panels...  (Read 1732 times)


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2 S Array, outomated hight of window panels...
« on: June 08, 2016, 01:18:11 PM »
Hallo everyone..

my aim is to build only one window with a pannel on top thats hight in the bottom can variate and react automatically to the y Spline that defines the hight.

my idea was to position vertices on the y Spline and that the windows get their hight automaticaly from the vertices. 

I have a faccade that apart frome the edges have identicaly windows, exept of the hight..

is there a way to do this ? ore can i use y evenly ? Problem is that the hight of the windows vary

i´ll put an image to explain this better..

thanks Tom

Paul Roberts

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Re: 2 S Array, outomated hight of window panels...
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2016, 03:05:47 PM »
Hi, thanks for the question. I think an easier might be to use two L1S generators, one nested inside the other.

To do this I've sliced the window into 3 part, a bottom and top that don't change and a mid section that will be scaled.

Using these you can create a RC object using a single spline, as follow:
1 - Add the bottom segment to the Start, the top to the End.
2 - Create a compose operator and add the top, a null segment, and then the bottom.
3 - Wire this to the Corner input.
4- Finally add the mid segment to the Default input and set the mode to Scale
5 - You can now draw a spline for the total height of the building. Every time you add a new Vertex you set the height of a window. This will give you one vertical strip like this...

You can now add this to a second RailClone object that also uses an L1S array. Create a spline for the path of your façade, create a segment picking the window RC object. Wire this to the the Default input. In the attached example I've also added the corner segment as a second generator. This is because you can't slice corners in Adaptive mode so I'm using one generator for the windows in adaptive mode, and a second generator in tile mode to add the corners.

Attached is a sample file to demonstrate this technique.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Many Thanks,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: 2 S Array, outomated hight of window panels...
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2016, 04:00:30 PM »
Nice one...  as allways... simple Fast...

if i had known this before....