RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

A question about "mapping" in segment nodes ? A red and white color handrail.


Hello everyone in iToosoft,
   Here's my scene file. I want to make a very simple handrail. I just want the red and white color appear alternately along the direction of the handrail and the skirting.
   I played with the "mapping" in segment node in Railclone 2.50 object. But I could't accomplish my goal. Could you please help me with my scene ? Please send the scene you fixed here.
Best wishes and Thank you very much.

Dual X5680, 32GB ram, 3dsmax2012 64bit pu08, Railclone 2.5.0,Forest pro pack,Vray 2.40

Paul Roberts:

Please find attached an amended style. I made a couple of changes as follows:

* Added a material operator to alternate the material ID between 1 and 2
* Added and exported Offset value so you can easily adjust the distance from the spline parametrically instead of using the pivot point
* Reduced the Curve Steps - the high value was causing RC to work very slowly
I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Many Thanks,


Thanks for your quick reply. I will get another problem if I follow your method.
There will be much much more polygons appear when I try to decrease or increase distance between two red sections. I just want to modify the size of mapping gizmo. I hope the polygon count won't be changed when I change the distance between two red sections.

I hope you can understand me. Thank you very much.

Paul Roberts:

Personally for me this is the easiest method, I would split the source geometry into smaller segments so that you can more finely control where the Material ID changes.

However I've also attached a version that uses the mapping coordinates as you suggest. There are a few complexities with this, as you've noticed the red/white pattern is reversed on each side. This is because in most cases you wouldn't want the texture flipped on the U axis on the reverse, however in this case it prevents the style from working correctly. To remedy this I have split the base geometry into 2 material IDs, the original and one where the texture has been rotated 180 degrees. You can then apply this to the reverse so that the colours match on both sides.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Many Thanks,



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