RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)
advanced Bend mode 2
Hi, just on the case that the old topic will not see : https://forum.itoosoft.com/railclone-pro-(*)/feature-request-advanced-bend-mode/
Hi, the subject is old but that is possible now ? i have a fence that i want to keep in one mesh and i would like this one follow the surface terrain or line curve (X,Y,Z space) with vertical constraint but not bend. Like there is a new line beetween the evenlys, corner, start, end.
Michal KarmazĂn:
Using the Normalize Spline modifier with the Linear Segments option enabled on the base spline and adjusting the Seg Length parameter to match the Evenly Distance should achieve the desired result.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
Hi and thanks for the answer.
I tried it, and it gave me some results, but the control over "Normalize Spline" is unpredictable or too basic. In my case, I have a spline with Bezier curves, and this tool doesn't give me the ability to set a good and consistent segment length. Also, in the case of a very bumpy surface, I have to use another RailClone (same settings of the fence railclone but with simple plane), which is used to simplify the topography, even if the vertical alignment is unappealing.
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