RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

alternating facade


Hi there,

I am using the array 2s to make a facade with alternating panels, similar to the attached images.

As you can see on the attached screenshot I created two separate elements to alternate at every second floor. I was hoping that using a sequence node would create this effect, but it makes all floors identical to each other, with the alternation happening within each floor.

Is there any way to use element one for floor 0,2,4,6,8 etc and element 2 for floor 1,3,5,7,9 etc?

Thanks in advance.

Paul Roberts:

It looks as though the sequence operator is set to Increment on X. Please check that your sequence node's properties are set to Increment on Y, this should then alternate the segments for each floor of your building.

I hope that fixes the issue, if not please let me know.

Many thanks.


So simple. Thank you very much!


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