RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

basic problem with a bookseller


Hi I am having a problem making a bookseller, I am following the steps of the tutorial to make a bookcase but I have this problem when placing the segment to delete that section. Could someone please help me.

Paul Roberts:

It could be the case that Extend to Side is turned on for the Y Evenly segments, in this case the shelves will ignore the padding values of the empty segments used in the Left/Right inputs. This should be Off for this style to work:

If this doesn't work and you're able to upload the style I'd be happy to take a more detailed look.

Many thanks,


No ... Im still having the same problem, I attached the file.

Paul Roberts:

Please see the attached. To make the file work I found it was necessary to turn off Extend to Side for the shelf generator and then add a Left padding value for the empty segment used in the Left and Right inputs.

I hope that helps.

Many thanks,




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