RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Bug? Some Railclone objects move to different position.

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Thanks for the prompt reply.
We have actually used the Proxy Cache as described above, however not an embedded mode but the External file instead.
Figured this might be the safest option but we can also try Embedded version too.

This is quite a simple setup, just boards on the ceiling. Thing to note though is that all the RC objects are custom made, not loaded from RC library, so surely there's not an issue with loading anything from RC library across the network.

Let me know what other details you'd like to know in order to resolve it.

Ok. Please, try using the embedded mode. If it fails, send us a simplificated scene with the problematic object, ready to be rendered.
We'll use it here, to try to reproduce the problem.


Hi just to let you know, as long as the Railclones use embedded mode, everything renders fine across network or/and if railclone is a part of an xref scene.
They keep disappearing while being rendered if you use export proxy cache feature.

Another case when they disappear is that when any modifier sits on top of railclone i.e UVW mapping, or Cap Holes modifier.
This is very unfortunate as capping holes within RC neve works for us (threshold values too big).

Hope this is going to be fixed at some point.

Thanks for the information. We'll try to reproduce it, under the conditions you pointed out.

One more question: what rendering tool are you using ? Backburner, Corona Distributed Rendering or other ?


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