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Author Topic: Bug with embedded geometrie  (Read 1925 times)


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Bug with embedded geometrie
« on: July 13, 2015, 09:46:24 AM »
In our studio we always try to keep the stack of an object intact as long as possible, not collapsed.
So i stumbled over a bug/missed feature of RC.

When using an object with bevel profil modifier as segment geometrie and save out the style in library.
The embeded mesh is broken after applying this style to a new RC. Cause the used profil spline is not taking correct in account.

I simply collapsed the stack, used that mesh and keep an intact copy of the object for later work.

For good performance it is surly recommend in heavy RC flows with lots of detailed meshes to collapes every segment source to edit_poly or edit_mesh.
But in the most cases it would be great to get the intact source of embeded mesh when need things to change.

It would be great if that works correct cause its a lot work by hand to find out from what max file the geometrie comes and merge it by hand.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Bug with embedded geometrie
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2015, 10:43:44 AM »

Unfortunately RailClone will only import the object directly referenced by the RailClone object, but not its dependencies. The only option, as you point out, is to collapse the stack or add the preset to the existing scene using Application Menu > Import > Merge instead. Although for the latter you lose the benefits of using the library browser.

However  we're grateful for the useful feedback, and we'll look at how we can implement this feature in a future release.

Many thanks,


Paul Roberts
iToo Software