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Author Topic: Problem with conditional operator in a L 1S Style for a Wall using mat ids  (Read 1697 times)


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Hello Forum Members.

maybe someone can point me to a solution..

Well i have used a l1s array to produce a Wall where the style automaticaly produces at the spline corners perfectly fitting segments in the smalest szise.  thanks to Paul Roberts this works so far even if i do not allready understand all that happens inside of the style..   ;-)   

Now everything was fine so far...  i load the style from the libary and a colleque can change the standartsegments as needed also the y depth of the wall that gets constructed to the outside of the floorplates...   

i wanted to ad one thing...   i wanted to be able to refine my X-spline where i wanted and use a  conditional operator to produce where i wanted another Wall-style for the standartsegments... for example a closed Wall on mat id.  2  for linear closed walls or, for example   mat id3  , a more refined wall for segments of a closed wall at rounded Corners...

doing so , my style produces the closed walls everywhere, but not at the segment where i change the mat id...  cant find the reason.

any idea ?

(the image below shows a wall without the use of a closed wall which works fine..     I freed the style and coppyed several times on top of each other...)

Paul Roberts

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Re: Problem with conditional operator in a L 1S Style for a Wall using mat ids
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2015, 11:32:05 AM »

That style has come together really nicely :)

The problem you're seeing here with the material IDs is probably because the style has the option to use the Generator's Reverse feature. This changes the direction of the spline but it also reverses the allocation of the material IDs, which can be confusing because they don't match what you've allocated to the spline itself.

In this case I'd recommend disabling reverse in the style (or as you've exported the value you can untick inside/outside in your style's parameters) and changing the direction manually by right clicking on the spline object and selecting Reverse spline. You might also be interested in a little script I wrote a while ago that also allows you to reverse a spline while maintaining the material ID allocation. You can get it here.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you need anything further.

Many thanks!


Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Problem with conditional operator in a L 1S Style for a Wall using mat ids
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2015, 02:59:56 PM »
Hallo Paul Roberts..

thanks again..   removing the reverse option does the trick at this point..  now it works.

again i encountered a new little Problem...  using the mat id´s  2 and 3 in my style forced to let some segments overlap at edges..

i suppose, this comes from the use of  segments with differing X-Sizes for the standart segments ?  i could get rid of it, shrinking the used size of the closed Wall segments to the exakt X-width of the Windows segments.. 

so far so good.. 

only thing that didnt work as wished after shrinking the closed Wall segments, is, that my Wall-style flips the whole Wall inside out, so the front sinde of the windows are to the inside.. 

Well of course reversing the spline manualy gives a good workaround..

But i still have to learn very much ..   i am still a padawan...     Master Obi Wan Pauls..     ;-)   

so may the arrayforce be with you all.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Problem with conditional operator in a L 1S Style for a Wall using mat ids
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2015, 05:45:56 PM »

My pleasure, glad you've got it working. Using different sized segments shouldn't be an issue as long as they're the same on the same path section (ie between two corners or evenly segments).

I'm just checking your style here and is seems to be behaving ok, but I may have a slightly different setup.

Regarding the inside/out problem. You could maybe set is up so the the segment's switch alignment based on the inside/outside toggle instead of reversing the spline but you'd also have to change the corner calculations. In this case reversing the spline itself is probably much easier. I'll also talk to our development team about whether spline reverse can retain material IDs.

Thanks, the force is strong with you ;)

Happy holidays!

Paul Roberts
iToo Software