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Author Topic: SplineType conditional Operator or Expression not working on Array2s?  (Read 967 times)


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I noticed something of which I am not sure it is a bug:

I have a RC setup with closed splines, used as clipping spline input, and 'Extend X/Y Size to Area' feature enabled. Now I am trying to make a conditional statement to enabled having a window Sill or not. (the bottom contrete part below the window) I was hoping to use the line/curve property to switch between turning the Sill on or off (with all the necessary shifts of the rest of the window)

I noticed however that the conditional Operator is not working as I expect it too. Even when making my own expression, using the XSplineType comparison and hooking that up to a selector does not seem to work. However, this whole setup does seem to work when using the conditional operator with materail ID switching, or using the XSplineMatId as a variable in my expression.

So why does the MatID let me switch situations, but the SplineType doesn't? Is this because I am using a 2d array and the 'Extend X/Y Size to Area' combination?

BTW I am using Railclone 3.2.0


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Conditional node checks the X Spline, not the Clipping spline.
When "Extend X/Y Size to Area" is enabled, RC creates internally a couple of straigh splines for X/Y, which are used to build the array. Those are the splines used in the Conditional node, not the Clipping spline.
So in this case, it has no sense to apply a Conditional node, because there is not control over the fake splines.


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Thanks for the quick reply! That explains a lot, thank you.

Interesting that the 'fake splines' do share/copy the same MatID as the clipping spline when generated. Would it be a legitimate request to have these also internally copy the spline type? (curve/line). Or would that not work?


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MatID is copied manually from the Clipping to the fake X Spline, but not other values.