RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)
Curb and Sidewalk 2 Present is strange
i tried today the Curb and Sidealk 2 present but iam confused, how can I removed the paving gaps and why is drop pavment broken?
Michal Karmazín:
The segments in the mentioned preset are designed to ensure that the back of the sidewalk remains at the same height. You may notice that the sidewalk behind the drop curb is not flat but forms a ramp. If you’d like to customize it, you can open the Style Editor and use the Segments > Extract feature. This will add the segment to your scene, allowing you to select it easily via the quad menu > Select RailClone Segment, and modify it to suit your needs.
The same applies to the gap. If you set the Paving Gap parameter to 0, there will be no gap. However, the chamfer in the geometry might still be too noticeable. Feel free to adjust these segments as needed to achieve your desired result.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
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