RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Curtain wall with variable height. How to?


Any idea how to  build a RC with variable height (see attached doodle)?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I almost found the answer in one of "Ask Itoo" sessions:
...but its not clear how to deal with "horizontal" frame elements (keep its dimensions?).

Michal Karmazín:

Handling these in separate generators would be the recommendable way in this case – the top of the frame is easy, Alignment Z > Top | Deform mode Vertical. The bottom frame can be Alignment Z  > Bottom | Z translation wired to the -XsplinePosition.z expression | Deform mode Stepped. If needed, you can add some horizontal divisions by driving the Pivot Offset value with the same expression. Please find attached a sample scene (230601_YPivotOffsetSampleScene_iToo.max) showing this possible approach.

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

fantastic, gone learning :)


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