RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

distance between wood strips


Good evening,
I'm trying to create for the first time an herringbone floor.
following the video on the website, I create my wood strip, 27x8, my clipping area, connected everything and it works.
I add the herringbone macro and works, but when I try to add some space between the wood strips the floor disappear.

to do it I'm doing:
-selecting the segment
-fix size, untic the scale paramenter
-putting a bigger dimension, like 27.2 x 8.2

without the macro node it works, but with it it's not working.

Am I doing something wrong? is there another way to do so?

thanks in advance,

Hi Lorenzo

I have attached modified macro to include a gap setting. It needs some manipulations. It is not enough to edit segments size.

I have also included a advanced herringbone macro that was used in this tutorial. Feel free to use it as well.


Would it be possible to access to modified macro ? I can't open the attached.
Thanks a lot

--- Quote from: Rokas on June 26, 2020, 07:35:08 AM ---Hi Lorenzo

I have attached modified macro to include a gap setting. It needs some manipulations. It is not enough to edit segments size.

I have also included a advanced herringbone macro that was used in this tutorial. Feel free to use it as well.

--- End quote ---

Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Of course, please find attached the used macros (SegmentToHerringbone.rcm & AdvHerringbone.rcm) and the sample scene (HerringboneSampleScene_iToo.max) saved in the 3ds Max 2021 format. I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Thank you !
IMHO These macros should be in the default library

Best regards,


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