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Author Topic: Repeat geometry between start and end on evenly or corner  (Read 3086 times)


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Repeat geometry between start and end on evenly or corner
« on: March 12, 2018, 01:48:42 PM »

I try to generate a style for shelves (using A2S generator). Problem is that they should be parametrically for exact different sizes. To create one shelve wall I'm using 2 geometries, on for the start/end and one for in between. When creating the exterior walls this works great with the corner elements and the left/right side elements. But this doesn't work for evenly or inner elements.

Is there anyway I can say use geometry nr. 01 for start and end and repeat geomerty nr.02 in between start and end?

Paul Roberts

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Re: Repeat geometry between start and end on evenly or corner
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2018, 01:30:27 PM »

thanks for the question. I am a little unclear on what you are trying to achieve. Would it be possible to add some screenshots, or even better add a scene file to help explain the problem?

You can certainly use different geometry in the left and right sides of the array, but I think your question might be asking for something more specific.

Many thanks in advance,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software