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Author Topic: Facade system  (Read 1401 times)


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Facade system
« on: March 16, 2017, 09:53:30 AM »

Can anyone have a look at my facade system? There are some issues that should get resolved before I can use it for my visualization.
First and most important I'd like to use some helper planes next to my stories to determine the heights, which works best I've noticed to quickly adjust the overall heights, and it prevents from having to use (sometimes) inaccurate mesurements.T
These heigt planes, should provide the heigt of that story, so the item just under the top element of each story can be scaled so the height can match the planes.
I'd like this to use an arithmetic, like if(xspl.z>250,1,if(xspl.z>350,2,3)) so I can determine the floor levels and let this decide which height plane is used for dimensions.

One other thing that seems to be wrong with my script is on the sides, with splineID 3, the segments in the x dir are shifted it seems, but that's not the main problem here as you don't see that in the render.

Thanks in advance!
Pieter van Stee

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Facade system
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 11:48:44 AM »
Hi Pieter,

As the if function chooses between two values (if(p,q,r): conditional: if p is non-zero then returns q, otherwise r), to check for more options (like three as in the attached sample scene, but in the same way more options can be added) a possible work-flow would be to have multiple Selector Operators wired together (as on attached screen-shot). The Arithmetic Operator linked to the first one uses the "if(Input1<125,1,2)" expression, the second "if(Input1<175,1,2)" where on the Index 1 the "previous" Selector Operator is wired. Hope you'll find it useful.

Best regards,


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Re: Facade system
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 12:00:12 PM »
Hi Michal,

Thank you for your reply.
The if funcion is clear to me, my question was how to implement this if function to get the z position of the current spline (with multiple splines above each other, as stories), and the most top story should have a scaled segment in the A2S generator.

That's where my problem lies I believe,
1. I would like to scale a segment based on the height position of the spline it's on
2. The A2S generator should also go up to make room for this scaled segment.

Please let me know if it's explained confusingly :p
Have a nice day!

btw, I've made an alternative in the mean time, with a bunch of L1S generators, but with those A2S you can do more quicker with less nodes...
so would be nice for the future to know, thank you
Pieter van Stee