RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)
feature request: advanced Bend mode
wonder if possible to make Bend mode treat segment as bounding box
i mean that horisontal beams are placed correctly so i want also vertical posts also straighten
or it is possible in any other way?
i think you should just correct path
Paul Roberts:
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're currently looking into ways RailClone can handle these situations but in the meantime, if your spline is flat on the Z Axis, you should be able to turn Off Properties > Deform > Bend for the fence panel segment. If the slope is gradual you may find turning on Stepped mode is enough to follow the spline. Our libraries suffer from the same problem, these should be fixed too in the next update.
Many thanks,
Hi, the subject is old but that is possible now ? i have a fence that i want to keep in one mesh and i would like this one follow the surface terrain or line curve (X,Y,Z space) with vertical constraint but not bend. Like there is a new line beetween the evenlys, corner, start, end.
Michal KarmazĂn:
Using the Normalize Spline modifier with the Linear Segments option enabled on the base spline and adjusting the Seg Length parameter to match the Evenly Distance should achieve the desired result.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
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