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Author Topic: Generate building roof tops with common elements  (Read 547 times)


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Generate building roof tops with common elements
« on: June 24, 2020, 08:57:54 AM »
I've been trying to create parametric objects on top of buildings but so far I have been unsuccessful.
I was wondering if I could get some help since I can't find a tutorial for it. I tried the raised planters one which was the closest thing but unfortunately the way the elements are distributed look wrong and also the elements get too close to the edges or they even go over the edge of the building and trough the top.*)/building-generator/msg27530/  This post teases a building generator which has exactly what I need on the roof tops.
Can you share how it was done or how it could be done currently?
My goal is to create background buildings that don't have much detail but still look good from a fair distance. The roofs are flat and the added elements help making them look better.
I really want to be able to just trace the base spline for where each building is located and completely generate all the buildings from that.

Paul Roberts

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Re: Generate building roof tops with common elements
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2020, 03:40:26 PM »

thanks for the question. We hope to release that buildings library soon, but in the meantime, attached is a simplified graph that can give you an idea of how to approach a task like this. You will see it is split into 3 main generators

  • Walls
  • Roof Surface
  • Roof Clutter
For the roof clutter I have nested a 4th generator to create little groups of geometry. This is but one approach, there are several other ways users might want to tackle it.

I hope this helps,

All the best,

Paul Roberts
iToo Software


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Re: Generate building roof tops with common elements
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2020, 09:59:21 PM »
This works great!
Thank you