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Author Topic: Paths for RC and FP assets  (Read 1167 times)


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Paths for RC and FP assets
« on: April 02, 2019, 03:06:52 PM »
Hi guys

On a fresh install of railclone and/or forestpack, the paths are added to the user paths on max, the 1st time you launch max after installing RC or FP. In a perfect world where software is installed across a network by a single IT person, or where there are strict IT polices in place, this is not an issue.

However, often this is left to the user and in a small studio, users may sometimes install assets in a different location or skip the asset installation step entirely. Same thing for Renderfarm nodes. The result is that those machines fail to render the assets correctly as the assets are not found.

farm machines typically do not have max licenses or even monitors attached, so max is never launched in normal mode, for the paths to be created.

How does everybody deal with this?

I can script the paths to be added to the max ini file and hard coded to the user paths to where the assets are installed on a network location, but maybe I'm just going about this the wrong way and wonder if there isnt already another solution to this

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Paths for RC and FP assets
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2019, 03:27:54 PM »
Hi Morne,

We would like to implement handling of assets in a more user-friendly way soon (it's currently being developed). Meanwhile, you might find the following link regarding the possible network paths set-up interesting and useful:

In addition to the "network paths set-up" link, using environment variables can help in some situations. Since the Forest Pack 6.1.5:

""LibraryDir" and "EffectsDir" can now be defined using environment variables (ITOO_SOFTWARE_FOREST_PACK_PRO_LIBRARYDIR, ITOO_SOFTWARE_FOREST_PACK_PRO_EFFECTSDIR ). They accept a single path entry."

Best regards,