RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

how to slide everything left or right

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I'm probably doing something wrong but I have stadium with stairs and seats on round spline. I need everything to look symmetrical. So I want for example 5 chairs in line > 2 stairs > 5 chairs etc ... but I want stairs to be in the middle of the spline . How I can slide things around lef or right without changing seat spacing or stair spacing?
I tried to use  Transform Translation in X but that when using curved spline things get squeezed and doesn't just slide .

example before translation:

and after :(

Here's sample scene in which I want things to be symetrical.


Are you using an Array generator ? What Y mode: free or aligned ?  In any case, it's difficult to get the effect you like applying translations.

If the position of each element is critical, i would suggest using a Linear generator with multiple splines: one for each segment of stairs and seats. In this way you can define exactly the limits. This method requires a while to build the parallel splines, but it is much more exact.


Here is other approach using arrays. I used the stairs as Evenly segment.

Anyway, the result is not completely correct, because the outer rows should have more seats. You can fix it setting the array on "Free" mode, but in this case some seats would be sliced, if they don't fit in the spline.

Carlos I need to use one spline because it's complicated model and I need to control many rows with just one spline.
So second option looks good but I need to control how many stair (box) and seats (sphere) there is. How can I achieve this?


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