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Author Topic: Multi sub object materail  (Read 1844 times)


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Multi sub object materail
« on: May 18, 2017, 03:43:05 PM »
I have an RC object that I'm working on and have a materials questions.

The master object is created with individual objects, each of which has its own multi sub material. Is there a way to have RC auto generate a new master multi sub material based off the new elements added to it? As opposed to manually creating and adjusting a material with each new object that is added.

Michal Karmazín

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Re: Multi sub object materail
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2017, 04:24:53 PM »

Currently, you'll have to prepare the final Multi/Sub-Object material for this RailClone object.

In our original design for RailClone we expected material creation to be a part of the preparation to create a style. For example Forest includes the ability to consolidate materials because it's much more dependent on using multiple plants from different sources. Instead, in RailClone usually each segment is uniquely designed for a specific style, so part of the design includes preparing the materials.

However we've had a few requests for this feature so we are currently evaluating whether to use the same method in RailClone as Forest (create a multi-sub material on the fly), but that this adds and additional level of complexity to the plugin. In the meantime, if you don't want to do it manually, an easy way to consolidate materials by attaching all objets into a single mesh - by using default options 3ds Max creates the multi-sub material.

As mentioned in this related thread: "We have discussed if include that Forest feature, but has some inconvenients and not all users like it. For example, material IDs of the source objects must be changed, and that creates problems with some plugins (i.e. with VRayMultiSubTex). We have some ideas to implement a more efficient method, but could not develop it yet."

Best regards,


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Re: Multi sub object materail
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2017, 05:01:43 PM »
Thanks for the reply! yeah I'd personally love to see that incorporated, but I totally get that it would add a new level of complexity. That's a good workaround for now.

this question was in regards to this RC object that I'm creating and have gotten some great help with

one of the projects I do at work during slow time is to create these RC objects that can streamline certain tasks in the future for mine and the other teams. The idea is to make them as easy to use but also customizable. The current workaround for that material issue is a little bit of a concern for me just because it adds a layer of work for another person to setup, knowing that with each use, those products would be different.