RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Limit by Material ID not working even with adaptive off


I'm working with Max 2017 sp1, Railclone 2.6.3b and corona 1.4.
The Limit by Material ID no longer works in my file even if I turn ON or OFF the adaptive option of the spline.  I probably forgot something but I do not see what it is.
Could you help me?
Thank you

Paul Roberts:
Hi Pierre,

I'm afraid the the Limit to ID feature does not work when using Clipping Splines and Extend X/Y size to area. This is a known limitation. The easiest way at present to reproduce this behaviour is to split the clipping spline into two or more objects and use multiple generators or RailClone objects.

I hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Many Thanks,


Hi Paul,
Thank you for your answer. I was not aware of this . I split the spline in two, as you says, and it works fine.
As always :)
Thank you


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