RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Macros - creating-ivy-in-3ds-max-with-railclone



Could I have the macros from this tutorial, please?

Thank you very much for all your great help !

Michal Karmazín:

You can find the sample scene (IvyPreset.max) containing the Ivy Macro & Ivy Branch Maker macros in the corresponding Tutorial Files link. I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Thanks but I can't open the max file
Sorry about that

On the other hand, it would be nice to have access to all these resources ( macro/script, etc) in a specific place... just a thought  :)

Michal Karmazín:
Please find attached the corresponding macro files. Also, please feel free to specify the 3ds max version you're using, so we can resave the sample scene in that version.

Best regards,

Thank you !!

--- Quote from: Michal Karmazín on April 22, 2024, 03:24:48 PM ---...Also, please feel free to specify the 3ds max version you're using, so we can resave the sample scene in that version.

--- End quote ---
That's super nice but I'm working with an really old version of max so I imagine it will be trouble


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