RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Per spline vertex x rotation.


is it somehow possible to change the x Rotation parameter per Spline vertex point?
I'll have to make some helmet belts and I'd like to use railclone.
But to be able to ajust the x Rotation per vertex point would be a must.

Michal KarmazĂ­n:

I would suggest you to assign different Material IDs to these spline segments and "drive the X (Fixed / Random) Rotation" by the Spline Mat. ID (for example by using the Selector Operator). Another possible solution might be to split your style into several generators (and adjust X Rotation values as needed), having enabled Limits - Material ID.

Please feel free to share more details about your set-up (a sketch of desired look would be ideal). Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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