RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Railclone Clipping Area in multiple axis or multiple areas


Mannii RC:

Hello there,

I'd like to ask if it's possible to add multiple clipping areas.

Sometimes I have pattern on the wall, but I need to make some holes with specific size, so, what I normally use to cut the hole is a clipping area.
Now, it only works on 1 axis, because I can only choose 1 from the L1S or A2S.

Is there a way for it to work on multiple axis? or have it clip differently on the front and back side of the wall?
Kind of like Boolean out some part to make the hole with specific sides.

Michal Karmazín:

That's possible with the help of the "Auto Align" option of the Extend X/Y Size to Area mode (the Auto-Align feature "replaces" this multiple object creation). This option creates an array aligned automatically with each sub-spline, which is very suitable for this kind of scenario. Two modes are available, and for both modes, the Z-axis is always perpendicular to the plane formed by the spline. a) "X --> XY": The X-axis is parallel to the RailClone XY plane (considering the local axis of the object). b) "to Spline" (a recommendable one for your scene): The X-axis is aligned with the first Spline segment (you can use the "Make first" vertex and "Reverse" spline to modify alignment).

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

Great! I've been looking for information on this very subject ! I'm a bit confuse. Is there an example or tutorial somewhere ?

--- Quote from: Michal Karmazín on September 27, 2023, 08:26:13 AM ---Hi,

That's possible with the help of the "Auto Align" option of the Extend X/Y Size to Area mode (the Auto-Align feature "replaces" this multiple object creation). This option creates an array aligned automatically with each sub-spline, which is very suitable for this kind of scenario. Two modes are available, and for both modes, the Z-axis is always perpendicular to the plane formed by the spline. a) "X --> XY": The X-axis is parallel to the RailClone XY plane (considering the local axis of the object). b) "to Spline" (a recommendable one for your scene): The X-axis is aligned with the first Spline segment (you can use the "Make first" vertex and "Reverse" spline to modify alignment).

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

--- End quote ---

Michal Karmazín:
Please feel free to check out the "Creating Roofs with RailClone" tutorial which describes the usage of Auto-Align modes and shows helpful techniques. I hope you will find it interesting.

Best regards,


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