RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

Railclone Library files missing



Just bought RC and wanted to use a Curb. Got an Error "no geometry"
I looked up the folder and just found two max files. The others are missing.
Installed it new without success. Any idea where it is and why its not installed properly.


Michal KarmazĂ­n:
Hi Edward,

That should be fine (all bundled RC curb styles are stored in _RC_Street_road_01.max & curb1.max).

I would suggest you to check material IDs of your "Base Object" - some curb styles use Spine's Material IDs to assign different types of kerb (ID 1 normal kerb, ID 2 drop kerb). In case your spline has different Material ID set, no geometry will be generated. Setting these part(s) of the spline to Material ID 1 or 2 where needed should fix.

Best regards,

It worked! Thank you.


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