RailClone > RailClone Pro (*)

RailClone Pro and Interactive rendering


I recently upgraded to max2024 and notice every time I initiate interactive rendering in the V-Ray frame buffer, all railclone object disappear from the viewport.
As soon as I cancel interactive rendering, they appear again.
I hope there is an easy fix...
Thanks in advance!

Edit:  I found someone else asked... https://forum.itoosoft.com/railclone-pro-(*)/railclone-objects-dissapear-from-viewport-on-ipr/

Michal KarmazĂ­n:

As mentioned in that related forum thread, we're aware of this limitation. To avoid it, we highly recommend switching to the Points-Cloud mode when using IPR/IR.

Best regards,

Yes, the point cloud seems to behave well...thanks!


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